The promotion of gender equality is one of Finland’s priorities for foreign policy. But going about it requires research, benchmarking, and collaboration.
Client: Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA) is a ministry in the Finnish Government and it is responsible for preparing and implementing the government’s foreign policy. They act to promote the security and welfare of Finland and work towards a more secure and fair world.
Challenge: Limited knowledge about gender equality in the tech industry
United Nation Women’s 5-year Generation Equality (GE) campaign aims to accelerate gender equality objectives especially of those that have suffered from slow global development. Finland holds a lead role in the Action Coalition that focuses on gender equality for technology and innovation.
Hence, MFA needed to determine coalition goals that would be impactful and suggest practices that could also be implemented in other countries. The MFA requested Inklusiiv’s support to enhance the campaign’s links to the tech industry and related networks.
Solution: Consulting on gender equality in the tech industry
To help MFA, Inklusiiv carried out research and benchmarking on gender equality in the technology industry both globally and in Finland. The research and its tangible examples aided FMA to plan impactful goals and actions. Based on that data, Inklusiiv also reviewed and enriched the blueprint paper.
Moreover, Inklusiiv was able to support MFA in its stakeholder relations by connecting relevant parties such as investors, technology companies, and women in tech role models to involve FMA in their initiatives. Due to a high interest in these topics, Inklusiiv also supported MFA’s national event on Gender Equality in Tech. Read the full article HERE.
“Deciding to work with Inklusiiv was a clear choice due to their industry knowledge and networks as well as a forward-thinking and strategic approach to DEI. The collaboration was full of insightful sparring sessions, eye-opening statistics, and tangible advice. With the help of Inklusiiv’s, we were able to deliver the blueprint paper, create valuable connections and organize an important investors’ event with international and influential speakers.” – Aki Enkenberg, Senior Adviser: Innovation and Digital Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Results: New connections and a defined blueprint paper with ambitious goals
As a result of the collaboration, MFA successfully created a blueprint paper that reflected ambitious goals to challenge social norms and other practices that prevent the participation of girls in tech.
GE is a campaign that continues to advocate for the rights of girls through what Finland excels at, technology. FMA managed to enroll forward-thinking tech companies to commit to the change and to publicly advocate for more girls in their respective fields.
The final product of our collaboration with the Ministry was a Slush side event in 2020 that attracted potential investors, entrepreneurs, and other decision-makers to participate in a panel of discussion where the role of VCs and investment in advancing gender equality was discussed. The event included international investors and an entrepreneur who spoke about tangible ways to improve the current situation of investment towards all women or mixed-gender entrepreneurial teams. The event was received well by the 100 attendees and investors alike.
The work for gender equality continues
While the collaboration and the project advanced awareness and discussion around gender equality, the implementation work continues. The Action Coalition co-led by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs is on a clear path to making fundamental change.
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